

This site belongs only to Gazi Metal Mamülleri A.Ş. and is operated by it and these materials and information (all site content, text, graphic, logo, pictures, photographs, figures, technical and scientific drawings, sound clips, all of the content compilations based on collection, editing and montage of the site, animation, video and music records, software, program codes, external appearance, design, system and technical elements, roll hair properties, usage areas, all kinds of rights), in whole or in part, belongs to Gazi Metal Mamülleri A.Ş. Gazi Metal Mamülleri A.Ş. and other sources provide these materials and information are protected by international copyright, the laws of the Republic of Turkey and other international laws. Such information and materials may not be interpreted as given license or permission in advance in connection with the use of such information on the Website. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, download or commercialize any information or material on this site, including code and software, without express and written permission of Gazi Metal Mamülleri A.Ş. However, you may download the materials and information on this site for your own professional and non-commercial use purposes, without changing the copyright and other proprietary rights notices. The legal liability that may arise as a result of any use that infringes on the intellectual and industrial property rights of the materials, information and materials contained in this site belongs to the infringing User.


Gazi Metal Mamülleri A.Ş. Web Site contains all kinds of content; Thickness, size, quality characteristics, dealer information, sheet stock information, pictures, explanation and news (briefly "KNOWLEDGE") are just for presentation and information. When the user intends to perform a transaction with reference to the KNOWLEDGEs, the final and reliable information is obtained from Gazi Metal Mamülleri A.Ş. Sales and Marketing Department. No guarantee or commitment is given as to the accuracy or update of the information posted on the Website. The user acknowledges that Gazi Metal Mamülleri A.Ş. is not responsible for the operations that may be performed based on this KNOWLEDGE.


For the final information about roll sheet, Gazi Metal Mamülleri A.Ş. would like to strongly recommend that you contact with Authorized Dealers. In this frame, Gazi Metal Mamülleri A.Ş., does not offer a sale offer (unless stated otherwise) of the information on the Web Site and that Gazi Metal Mamülleri A.Ş. Gazi Metal Mamülleri A.Ş. reserve the right to change the thickness, size and quality of the roll sheet without prior notice.


Gazi Metal Mamülleri A.Ş. reserves the right to modify or terminate the content of the site, at its own discretion, whenever any of the services provided to users is requested. In addition to taking precautions to ensure that the Website is free of errors, no guarantees are made regarding any errors that may be present on the site. In order to ensure that the Web Site is free of viruses, trojans and similar software, precautions have been taken within the existing possibilities and the final user is obliged to supply his own virus protection system and to provide the necessary protection. In this context, the User acknowledges that he / she is responsible for any errors that may occur in his / her software and operating systems due to his / her entry into the Web Site and his direct or indirect consequences.



For any possible dispute between users and Gazi Metal Mamülleri A.Ş., The Turkish Statement of Legality shall be taken as the basis and the Gebze courts and executive offices shall be authorized to settle the dispute and the dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Turkey.


If a criminal complaint or official inquiry is filed against the User from the official authorities and / or if any electronic sabotage or attack that would alter its operation is detected, Gazi Metal Mamülleri A.Ş. has the right to investigate the user's credentials and be notified of legal claims. 


The user shall be deemed to have accepted the above conditions by entering Gazi Metal Products Inc. Web Site